Tübingen is a European university town, and as you might expect, the opportunities for cultural and artistic experiences are many. If you're into classical music or European Civilization, for example, your problem will be finding time to attend all the events and activities offered in the city.
But Tübingen is also an international gathering point for scholars, researchers and students from all over the world. It's on the cutting edge of issues in politics, religion, the environment, and the international economy -with the emphasis on making "what's happening" available to students and professors.
General information on activities and events is listed daily in the local newspaper. Posters and pamphlets cover the University and its environs, and the various departments and student services organizations are always up-to-date with information.
Tickets for University events are available in the University's ticket center, and the Verkehrsverein downtown at the foot of the Neckarbrücke has information and tickets for events in the University, in Tübingen, and in Stuttgart, including performances of the Stuttgart symphony, ballet and opera.
The Mensen Wilhelmstrasse and Morgenstelle are the scenes for regular rock, jazz, blues and reggae concerts, featuring performers and groups from Europe, the United States, Latin America and Africa. And like all university towns, Tübingen has its popular nightspots -- most typically the restaurants, pubs and Bierkellers for which Southern Germany is famous.
Four cinemas offer a wide selection of European and American films, and movies are shown regularly in dormitories and in the University Clubhaus . Two theatres in Tübingen feature both student and professional talent in a wide variety of stage productions.
Sports events and activities are offered through the University's Sportinstitut , located at Wilhelmstrasse 124. The Institute offers a wide range of opportunities for group activities, from aerobics and weightlifting to karate and cross country cycling. Tübingen is near good ski-country, and outings are regularly organized by various groups, including dormitories and the Sportinstitut . Perhaps the most popular sports activities are hiking and bicycling in the forested hills around Tübingen. The Schönbuch , a large, protected national forest, is located just north of town, and the countryside is laced with quiet trails and foot-paths, perfect for long, relaxing walks with friends, or for getting away to be alone with yourself for awhile.
Tübingen has a wide range of religious and spiritual organizations and groups. There are churches of European and foreign denominations, and a large number of special-emphasis groups meet for study or for specific action focused on local, European and international issues.
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